Compare PHP date

In this tutorial we will explain how you can compare two data in PHP. Comparing two data in PHP is very simple.

First method #

If both data have the same format, the strings can be compared as follows:

$dateOne = '2020-01-01';
$dateTwo = '2021-01-01';

if($dateTwo > $dateOne){
    echo 'Datum '.$dateTwo.' ist größer als '.$dateOne;

However, the whole thing works only with the format specified above.

Why is that?
Let’s think of the whole time as an integer:
2020-01-01 becomes 20200101
2021-01-01 becomes 20210101

This then results in:
20210101 > 20200101 = TRUE

In German, the format would look like this:
01.01.2020 becomes 01012020
01.01.2021 becomes 01012020

From this then follows:
01012021 > 01012020 = TRUE

But if you use any other day or month, the whole thing would not work anymore.

01.01.2020 becomes 01012020
01.05.2019 becomes 01052019

This then results in:
01052019 > 01012020 = TRUE (even though the date is in the last year).

Second method #

This method also makes it possible to compare different formats with each other.

$dateOne = '15.01.2020';
$dateTwo = '2021-01-01';

if(strtotime($dateTwo) > strtotime($dateOne)){
    echo 'Datum '.$dateTwo.' ist größer als '.$dateOne;

Third method (OOP) #

In addition to comparing dates, this method also allows you to determine the difference between days, months and years. Furthermore, it uses the object-oriented approach of PHP and should always be used if possible.

$dateOne = '15.01.2020';
$dateTwo = '2021-01-01';

$D1 = new DateTime($dateOne);
$D2 = new DateTime($dateTwo);

if($D2 > $D1){
    echo 'Datum '.$dateTwo.' ist größer als '.$dateOne;

Alternative with JavaScript #

Besides PHP, you can also conveniently solve the comparison of dates on the client side. Here I have written an article that shows you how the whole thing works in JavaScript.

Conclusion #

You see, comparing two data in PHP is quite easy thanks to OOP and enables many more features.

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